Saturday, March 28, 2009

Medicine for Allergic cold

Homoepathic medicine for Allergic Cold, sneezing, continuous thing or thick white discharge from the nose, Clears inflammation of the mucous membrane and blocked nasal passage.

Healwell COLDHEAL Pills

homoeopathic medicine for allergic cold
Healwell COLDHEAL Pills

  • Hydrastis Canadensis
  • Echinacea angustifolia
  • Cinnabaria
  • Kali bichromicum
  • Barita muriatica
  • Luffa oper.
  • Allium cepa


Helps in relieving allergic cold, sneezing, continuous thin or thick white discharge from the nose. Clears inflammation of the mucous membrane and blocked nasal passage.

PACKING : 15 gms

Product Delivery : Product Can be dispatched by Postal VPP (Value Payable by Post). you will need to pay the Postman only when the Parcel containing the Product is delivered at your door-step.
All Homeopathic Medicines are free from Side effects

Colds and allergies can strike in any season, and homeopathy is ready
Author : Victoria Dolby
The sunny blue skies of long, summer days beckon you to come out and play, but it's all you can do to get out of bed, what with your sneezing, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and sinus headache. Have you been hit with late-season allergies, a sinus infection, or a summer cold? Whatever the cause of your summertime sniffles, homeopathy can provide relief.
Although sinus infections and colds are most common during the winter months, warm weather does not, unfortunately, bestow immunity to these infections. Chances are likely, though, that cold-like symptoms that crop up during summertime can be traced back to allergies.
Common airborne allergens :
Wherever there are plants, there are pollens -- the triggers for most allergy symptoms. In warm climates with a long growing season, pollen may be in the air for as many as nine months of the year. Ragweed is the most troublesome pollen in North America for hay fever sufferers, especially east of the Rocky Mountains. It is virtually impossible to avoid exposure to ragweed pollen during its peak season of August through October. However, certain times of the day are worse than others. Pollination generally occurs between sunrise and 9 a.m., so staying indoors during this time can minimize allergen exposure. Other plant pollens that frequently trigger allergies are sagebrush, tumbleweed, rye grass, and maple, birch, and cottonwood trees.
Homeopathy offers alternative to conventional treatments :
Allergy reactions are actually caused when the immune system mistakenly believes harmless substances, such as pollen and animal dander, to be dangerous invaders. The immune system sends out all its troops, resulting in allergy symptoms. Since allergy symptoms are often caused by histamine reactions, many allergy sufferers turn to over-the-counter anti-histamine medications as a quick-fix for symptom relief. Decongestants are another common medication choice for the symptom of sinus congestion. These drugs, however, can do more harm than good.
Anti-histamines often cause drowsiness and can produce dryness in the throat and mouth that is as uncomfortable as the allergy symptoms it relieves. Decongestant nasal sprays are troublesome because they become addictive after even a few days of use, and then can actually contribute to an increase in congestion.
In contrast to these conventional medications, homeopathy helps the body actually heal itself. Homeopathy is nothing to sneeze at, so to speak. The effectiveness of homeopathy has been tested according to the strict standards of science in a review study published in the conservative British Medical Journal. This study examined 105 controlled clinical studies of homeopathy and disease; all of the five studies that dealt specifically with hay fever showed that homeopathy can effectively reduce the symptoms of hay fever.
Some effective treatment options :
Sometimes, because homeopathy is formulated differently than other alternative treatments, it can be a little more challenging to read the labels. Many homeopathic ingredients can be used in the treatment of sinus infections, colds, and allergies, but the following are among the most commonly used for this purpose.
Allium cepa, which is derived from red onion, fits the bill for relieving the symptoms of sneezing, burning nasal discharge, and red, watery eyes. Watery nasal discharge and swollen, burning eyes can be eased with the remedy of Euphrasia, while Kali bichromicum is very effective for nasal congestion and pounding sinus headaches.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum is called for when burning pain is felt in the nostrils or the respiratory tract is swollen. A constant discharge of thick, white mucus or sinus pain indicates that Hydrastis canadensis could be helpful. Sabadilla is effective for the typical symptoms found in hay fever, such as violent sneezing and watery, swollen, and red eyes.
Homeopathic remedies can be found as single ingredients, or as combination products designed to treat a wide range of symptoms. With any luck, homeopathy can help you get back on your feet so that you can romp and play again under those deep-blue sunny skies of summer.
Kleijnen J., et al. "Clinical trials of homeopathy," British Medical Journal 302(6772):316-323, 1991.